
Q: Can I use a one-time email account for rechor services?

A: Yes — any email will be fine as long as you have access to it. If you use disposable email addresses, make sure it is not deleted automatically before rechor services are rendered.

Q: You requested I obtain an email from Tutanota.com or ProtonMail.com for encrypted messages. Are you affiliated with either?

A: No – rechor has no affiliation with Tutanota or ProtonMail. We suggest them due to the simplicity and protection they offer.

Q: Are you affiliated or a subsidiary of any other company?

A: No. rechor LLC is a private company and is not affiliated with any other entity.

Q: What’s that icon on the side of the page?

A: Accessibility options for changing text size, contrast, font, and other portions of the site. If you have any other questions about accessibility options or requests, contact us via the contact page

Still have questions? Just ask via a contact form